Thursday 8 November 2012

Portrait Research: Life drawing/portrait unit

Portrait Research

This is an image found on the deviant art website by an artist from the United states who has chosen to only display her website Id "Vdelray" and is currently selling her paintings on large canvas'. This self portrait has been painted onto canvas with acrylic paint, I really like this image because it really reflects the colours of the light against her pale skin and the untidy brush work is a really good effect. It is natural, original and shows real emotion in the face which I think is always really important whilst working on portraits in general.. and her eyes look very realistic. 
There is nothing written about this image (e.g size, price) other than techniques but I guess that's the downside of deviant art.

Artist: Adinugroho- A male artist from Indonesia who specialises in portraits and figures and sells them on deviant art.. 
The image is completely drawn in coloured pencil on paper and is a portrait of Christina Aguilara... Adinugroho has themed his entire collection (536 images) on famous people (singers, actresses, actors, action heroes e.t.c) and mainly done in coloured pencil, sometimes he uses digital programming to create his art but that is very rare... I like his style because he focuses on the main features of the face without face-shape, hair, ears e.t.c and it still looks near photographic quality! His tones and pencil work are soft and usually natural earth-tone colours with hints of bright bold colours so it stands out. I really like this image because of the quality of it... I love the bright red lips... he has chosen the perfect colours for everything and even though he hasn't dramatically changed the image of her the image still emits originality, beauty and a soft quality that I really like...

Artist: Helenka,
she was born in Argentina and has had a very rich education in art and studied with "the Argentine masters: Luis Barragan and Elio Eros Vitali" <-- I don't know who they are but apparently they are very well respected. She specialises in abstract paintings such as this one, mostly with acrylic paint on canvas, cardboard, paper e.t.c. and as you go through her images you can clearly see that she explores her natural abilities in every single piece of art and relies on beauty, poetics and seduction whilst doing so... I love this image because even though it may look simple and plain to some people, I can see the effort that has gone into the light to dark areas and the difference in skin ton where the light has hit it... the brush work looks almost messy but it really works well and the whole thing radiates emotion and intimacy. It's a beautiful painting andifferent from the others I have looked at- which is why It's one of my favourite.. her talent is effortless! Image is done with acrylic paint on canvas and is 50x60 cm...  Artist and image on paintingsilove

This is a photograph self portrait I found on deviant art by an artist called Justina... a young girl studying photography in Lithuania and has done many photographs of herself but I like this one because It's very natural, the lighting is good and she has softened her features using photoshop which makes the image look angelic in a way. It's not particularly interesting though and I'm sure there are many better self portrait photgraphs. 

Artist: Ivelin Trifonov from Bulgaria, Who specialises illustration andigital art. This image was done on a computer using digital art programmes. Unfortunately, there's no other information about this image other than it's for sale. really like the messy strokes of the brush and the dark, fiery atmosphere of the image. He's like a character off of an old japanese anime fighting film and I really like how he's imprinted the cracking effects over it and behind it on different layers, it makes it look like an old painting and looks as though it's glowing because of the light focused on his face. Ivelin is clearly talented and I found his work on deviant art.. 

This is a self portrait of Erikined, a digital artist from the Philippines. There isn't much said about his images but it looks as though he takes images of people or finds images of people andigitally edits them, changing the backgrounds, adding colours and changing it to suit his artistic tastes and posts them on deviant art. But this one has been handrawn on a tablet and imported to his computer throught the tablet... then he has edited it, added a japanese looking background and added tattoo's shading andetail. I really like the tattoo detail and blotchy shading, it's very original and even the background is shaded and the line definition adds to the detail very well.. there isn't anything I would change about this image. 

I have chosen these images because they are a small collection of some of my favourite images from different areas of art... from photography andigital art to pencil- work to painting. Mostly they are from deviant art and are hard to find... but in my opinion some of the best art is made by undiscovered artists and usually they are very original and are extremely talented! 

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